Speaker - Marc MERLIN
Marc has been using linux since 0.99pl15f (slackware 1.1.2, 1994).
He has worked for various tech companies in the Silicon Valley, including Network Appliance, SGI, VA Linux, Sourceforge.net, and Google since 2002, both a server sysadmin and software engineer.
He has done hacking in various areas like mail with exim, mailman, SpamAssassin and SA-Exim, as well as maintained various linux distributions at Google and elsewhere, and given talks about some of those projects, and others at linux conferences since 2001 (LCA, OLS, Linuxcon, Usenix/LISA).
- I can stop adding more LEDs anytime I want, I just choose not to – Saturday 11:40 a.m.–11:55 a.m. in Rusty R. Hall